How to Run a Business with 100% Remote Customers on SMERP Platform.

by Admin Feb 23, 2022 | 15 MIN


Confused? The days of ‘Brick and Mortar’ business are in the past. These days, more and more businesses are popping up daily both on social media platforms (e.g. Instagram, Facebook) or websites. No wonder so many business owners utilize these platforms to their advantage with many shoppers opting to make purchases online rather than walk-in stores. Online purchases and business platforms have been made for your convenience, it is stress-free – pickup or delivery to your doorstep.

Running a business entirely on SMERP isn’t harder than it looks! With big brands like Konga, Jumia, e.t.c, leading the way internationally or nationally. It might seem impossible for smaller businesses to make a splash in this internet boom. While it might be a little confusing at first, it’s easier than you think to get noticed online. Keep reading to explore how to run a business with 100% remote customers.
Nigerian e-commerce platforms have growing competition, there is still a disconnection between businesses and customers. Customers feel they are interacting with a machine behind the screen.
Social media buying and selling is also known as a type of online business and it has been in existence for a long time. Online shopping on social media platforms like Instagram is not without its shortcomings as shoppers get scammed daily. Such instances of issuance of fake payment alerts, contacting a buyer privately via WhatsApp without the personal shopper’s consent etc are quite rampant. It’s safer if you know the personal shopper but what if the person’s account has been hacked. Shopping on Instagram is just luck.
There are safer platforms like SMERP, which offer a single platform from payment to warehousing. It’s advisable to transact and manage your business on a secured and protected business platform
Tips on how to run your business 100% remotely on SMERP:
  • Keep your navigation simple and easy - A lot of new web designers are tempted to choose designs that are based more on aesthetics than accessibility.
  • Cut unnecessary content - Your business content should be clear and precise.
  • Readability is important - Font sizes should be at least 14 points to be clear and use simple, un-styled text that is easy to read.
  • Use strong images - A picture conveys more than a thousand words. Having strong imagery can keep users on your page longer and it also increases engagement.
If the above tips are followed, your business will display seamlessly across devices. Always look for ways to improve your mobile or website optimization.
Making a payment on the ERP platform easily – A customer needs an e-payment system platform that makes it easy for them to pay securely on the ERP platform. The steps between shopping and entering card information, especially when a customer abandons their cart and moves onto something else. SMERP makes sure your checkout process is simple and functional too.
Looking for a payment platform that runs, controls, manages and monetizes your SMEs today?
SMERP is the right payment business platform for you and it is essential in running a business smoothly online. SMERP helps review your account options to ensure you have chosen something secure for your online business. SMERP provides you with an ERP platform that runs on the cloud and offers SMEs (Retail & Online) the required tool to manage their entire business operations such as Point of Sale, Inventory & Accounting. Our solution cuts across all business verticals and aims at reducing the cost of adopting technology as a tool for business growth.
Unfortunately, many small business owners go through a phase of different trials and errors with several sales and marketing models. Still, the mistake many make is not measuring them to see whether they are working. Do you want to know a secret to help figure out how well efforts are working, where to spend the most money, and where to fix it; all you need are Sales metrics to monitor your output and business as a whole.
Here are 5 business metrics you need to consider while using SMERP; tracking and looking out for your business performance, growth and also boost sales:
  • New vs Returning Customers.
  • Sales Growth Over Time.
  • Sales By Product or Service.
  • Sales Generated by Lead Source.
  • Average Purchase Value.
Thinking of sales metrics as a way to truly connect with your business and its sales operations, a way to figure out how any decision you make would shape your business’s performance. The moment your business’s sales monitors are tracked regularly, it becomes easier to prepare a better plan to revive parts of your sales operations that are lagging in your small business.
Here are a few things to consider while optimizing your payment system on SMERP
  • Having SMERP A/B test your payment process - the best way to understand which process is the most effective is to simply test several options.
  • SMERP reduces unnecessary fees - having a high number of unexpected fees like shipping and handling can lead to more abandoned carts. Instead, try to offer a flat shipping rate or free shipping for orders over #10,000.
  • SMERP secures your checkout process - online buyers are hesitant to enter their credit card info in unfamiliar locations. They need to know their transaction is 100% secure.
Unfortunately, many small business owners go through a phase of different trials and errors. Still, the mistake many make is not measuring them to see whether they are working. Security and ease of transaction should be your number one priority when your customers are 100% remotely purchasing on the ERP platform.
SMERP always listens to feedback - Feedback is one of the most valuable resources for any business platform and you’ll need to pay close attention to customer feedback. Some feedback is digital in the form of analytical information. How long are users staying on the ERP platform? What business are they visiting, and what are they more interested in? This feedback is easy to review regularly, and it will help you make the best decisions for your business.
Encourage users/customers to complete surveys after they purchase items from the ERP platform. Feedbacks like were they satisfied with their purchase? This kind of feedback shows you how your business can improve. Need more ways to get genuine customer feedback?